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It can be so tough knowing how we really feel until we have a safe/neutral 

space to talk it over. 


That's how counselling can help. It allows you a safe space to examine your thoughts with the aid of a trained therapist. 


Then you can get out of the "monkey mind" and start to make clear proactive decisions and develop deeper self awareness.


There is no right or wrong way to do relationship. There's just open or closed ways to communicate your feelings and needs. 


You are worthy of love and understanding  just as you are...


I can truly help unravel the mental obstacles that keep you trapped in self depreciation and relationship confusion. 



I am an emotional detective, gifted in the art of unravelling relationship traps and communication breakdowns. Having successfully overcome several addictions I am able to offer effective methods and support to aid you in doing the same.


Relationship harmony and conflict resolution are my therapeutic strengths.  I am accepting and open to all lifestyle choices and sexual orientations

I have experienced abuse, both physically and emotionally, and I truly see the trauma, confusion and ultimately the innocence in us all. 


The path to healing involves clear boundaries and a deep understanding of how childhood traumas  inform our adult relationships. Every person is entirely unique therefore the step by step path to self love and self awareness is something we will create together.


I am experienced in all types of relationships and counterculture lifestyles. I have lived in a variety of countries and have immersed myself in many different spiritual lineages as well as different types of plant medicine teachers.

I am a Certified Relational Somatic Therapist

I graduated from Clearmind International Counselling College where I studied Transpersonal Counselling Psychology.

I am a certified End of Life Doula 

I am experienced and trained in Plant Medicine Therapy

I was born in 1975. 

  • Clearmind Counselling International

  •  Certification Number: 3151


  • Individuals and Couples

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Conflict Resolution and Group Mediation

  • Plant Medicine education and integration

  • Sexual  Issues

  • Unconventional relationships 

  • Stress and trauma

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Addiction and Recovery



I am trained in online counselling and I also

 have an office for in person sessions on the Sunshine Coast



$120 - individuals        

$140 - for couples/groups 

per 90 min  session

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